Stephen Odzer
Announcing The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund

Announcing The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund

Stephen Odzer, entrepreneur and philanthropist has announced the launch of the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund. The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund is a non-profit organization with the goal of raising funds to donate masks to those in need of them.


Stephen Odzer has seen the damage that this pandemic has caused globally and has decided to start the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund in an effort to reduce the harm done by the disease to his community and the surrounding area.


The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund group has based its efforts on research programs performed by The John Hopkins Medical Group which have shown that wearing masks can reduce the number of symptomatic COVID-19 cases. The studies were performed using the current strain of Wuhan, China-derived Coronavirus as well as a number of analog viruses such as those known to cause the common cold and the flu. The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund has reviewed this research thoroughly and is convinced that wearing a mask, especially when in close proximity to others, is an effective way to slow the spread of Coronavirus-generated COVID-19.


The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund makes masks and other protective equipment available to anyone who needs them. Anyone can receive a mask from the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund by applying to the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund website. It is a site that will be live before the end of the year.


While this may be Stephen Odzer’s first foray into the realm of health-related charitable work, it is far from his first efforts at philanthropy. Last year, Stephen Odzer announced the launch of the Stephen Odzer Scholarship Program to help students achieve their dream of going to college. The scholarship was made available to students who have been accepted to any American College and who submit a 500-word essay answering the question, “What is the biggest issue facing our modern society.”


The program was completed in 2020 and is being renewed for the 2021 academic year. Students who wish to apply must submit all required forms by June 30, 2021. The winners of the scholarship will be announced on July 30, 2021. Students interested in applying can learn more information about The Stephen Odzer Scholarship Program by visiting the site:


Stephen Odzer will be watching the results of his COVID Relief Fund throughout 2021. Further efforts to benefit those in need of medical supplies, medicine, or other forms of aid will be based upon the success of the Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Republican Jewish Coalition And Their Grassroots Efforts

Stephen Odzer recently discussed the Republican Jewish Coalition and the group’s current grassroots efforts.

The Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly growing and advancing its community efforts. The coalition was created in 1985 as a bridge between Republican politicians and the Jewish community. What started in Washington, D.C., has now become a nationwide organization with regional offices in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York. Stephen Odzer recently discussed the grassroots efforts the organization has been putting forth in recent years, months, and days. 

“The goal is to bring a respected and strong Jewish republican influence to Washington, D.C., and across the country,” Stephen Odzer said. “The organization has put forth dozens of grassroots events and training this election year, and the efforts are not stopping any time soon.” 

Stephen Odzer explained that the Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly performing surveys, spreading around petitions, and seeking donations for the cause of increasing republican Jewish representation in Washington. Recent events include campaigning for Republican candidates in key battleground states. Stephen Odzer added that they achieved this through dozens of virtual National Days of Action, National Victory Team volunteers’ efforts, thousands of outreach phone calls, emails, and so much more. The total national grassroots touches were roughly 899,989. 

Stephen Odzer“The people at the Republican Jewish Coalition never stop working,” Stephen Odzer said. “The Jewish vote is critical to many republican victories, and volunteers understand that. That’s why our grassroots efforts can reach so widely and be so effective.” 

Stephen Odzer explained that the Republican Jewish Coalition fights for the Jewish vote and has had incredible success this election season. The legislative affairs program guarantees that 

Jewish issues are understood on Capitol Hill. The organization advises leaders and lobbies at state capitals across the country. 

“Grassroots efforts performed by the Republican Jewish Coalition allow the organization to engage in countless political activities across the country,” Stephen Odzer said, “Through donations, events, and other efforts, the coalition can support the candidate they need financially and politically.” 

Stephen Odzer explained the Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly working on getting candidates elected who reflect Jewish Republican principles and priorities. The organization is continuously working to support national security principles, small government, low taxes, free enterprise, and more. The coalition is vigorously in support of freedom from oil dependence and pro-Israel foreign policy. 

Stephen Odzer added that the Republican Jewish Coalition and its board of directors are divided on many issues, resulting in a more diverse and understanding organization. Many members have opposing views on global warming, gay rights, gun control, and abortion, and the Republican Jewish Coalition continues to unite on other issues despite those differences. 

“We need more organizations like the Republican Jewish Coalition in this country,” Stephen Odzer said. “Organizations that fight for causes they vigorously support yet understand that opposing views on other issues are important too.”

Stephen Odzer Founds Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund to Provide Masks

Stephen Odzer Founds Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund to Provide Masks

The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund is Helping to Mitigate the Spread of COVID 19 with Masks


The Stephen Odzer COVID Relief Fund is mitigating the spread of COVID 19 by sourcing and distributing masks. Stephen Odzer, the driving force behind the effort, is leveraging his experience in business and supply chain management to make a difference.


The money raised through the fund is used to source, channel and distribute masks to vulnerable populations. For those seeking masks, the process can be completed online and only takes a few minutes. Once the application is approved, masks are distributed in a safe, efficient and economical way to help mitigate the spread of COVID 19.


According to Hopkins Medicine, the spread of COVID 19 can be mitigated with masks and effective social distancing. As such, Stephen Odzer is helping fight COVID 19 by getting personal protective equipment into the hands of those that need it. COVID 19 is one of the most challenging illnesses the world has dealt with, and it is critical that masks are utilized to blunt the impact of this disease.


During the early days of the COVID 19 global pandemic, sourcing equipment such as masks seemed like a serious challenge. This was especially concerning for healthcare workers and those deemed essential workers. Through innovation, determination, and a dedication to doing what’s right, entrepreneurs like Stephen Odzer devised methods to source high-quality masks and deliver them quickly and cost-effectively.


Leveraging these skills in supply chain management and logistics is a necessity and has the power to make real differences in people’s lives. That is why Stephen Odzer has taken the steps to set up a fund and get masks to those that need them. Non-profits are an effective means to use skills sets developed in private industry for the public good.


Stephen Odzer shares the concern and dismay over the impact of COVID 19 with the rest of the community. Vulnerable people are suffering, businesses are shutting down and those with pre-existing conditions are at serious risk of health complications. For these reasons, Stephen Odzer is helping to raise money and distribute masks for the good of households throughout the U.S.


Stephen Odzer is the CEO of Adiva Industries and has a reputation for excellence in distribution, supply chain management, and logistics. He provides a spectrum of supplies to customers across multiple industries, helping to sustain hotels, restaurants, hospitals, and many others. In addition to leading efforts for COVID 19 relief, he has also founded the Stephen Odzer Scholarship Fund to help students.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Opening of the Silver Knights’ Lifeguard Arena

Stephen Odzer recently discussed the opening of the Silver Knights’ new Lifeguard Arena.

 The city of Henderson, Nevada, has seen major changes in 2020. The Silver Knights, the city’s new resident professional ice hockey team, has now opened the doors of a new practice facility. Hockey fanatic Stephen Odzer recently discussed the new Lifeguard Arena and what it means for the team and the local community. 

Stephen Odzer began by stating that the facility opened its doors for the first time on Tuesday, Nov. 3, at 10 a.m. Lifeguard Arena spans 120,000 square feet and was built in partnership with the city, giving the Silver Knights a home and providing a location for many youth and community events. 

“A new practice facility may not sound that exciting to some, but Lifeguard Arena is so much more than that,” Stephen Odzer said. “This facility will give the Silver Knights a home, and it will also provide more opportunities for area youth to get involved in the sport of hockey.” 

Stephen Odzer explained that the Silver Knights will join the American Hockey League in the 2020-21 season. This exciting addition to the league is a major positive for hockey fans throughout Nevada and across the country. 

Stephen Odzer added that the Silver Knights will continue to play their official games in Orleans Arena until a new game rink is completed at the Henderson Event Center in two years. He added that Lifeguard Arena has a similar design to City National Arena, featuring team space for the Knights, two ice sheets, a retail space, and a meeting space. Stephen Odzer added that the arena will also house a coffee bar and restaurant set to open in the future. 

“The arena will also feature a Silver Knights fan shop, and the team has recently released its jersey design,” Stephen Odzer said. “It’s an exciting time for the Henderson community.” 

Stephen Odzer added that this facility will expand the youth hockey programs offered by the Golden Knights. The new arena allows more space for teams, and ultimately, more opportunities for area youth to play hockey and enjoy all of the physical and mental benefits the sport provides. 

Lifeguard Arena is currently awaiting the Silver Knights and 2020-21 hockey season. However, Stephen Odzer stated it’s likely area residents will begin seeing events taking place at the facility. It’s an exciting change in 2020 that provides hope and opportunity for local hockey fanatics. 

Stephen Odzer Talks About How a Sense of Community is Vital to Battling COVID-19

Over a million people have succumbed to the COVID-19 pandemic. Outside of deaths, millions have lost their income, and social distancing is keeping people isolated. Some even fear that social isolation could break communities apart, but for entrepreneur Stephen Odzer, the pandemic also offers an opportunity for togetherness and service.

“When we think of history, we often think of great leaders, like Winston Churchill,” Stephen Odzer says. “However, I’d argue that history has been as shaped by communities as anything else. People who work together can accomplish extraordinary things. Right now, we all have to come together to fight COVID-19.”

One way people and communities can fight COVID-19 is through philanthropy. In April, the Wall Street Journal reported that donations to medical research had surged some $13 billion. Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey pledged $1 billion, while the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation put forward $355 million. Since then, more continue to give. Stephen Odzer has also pledged resources and has set up a non-profit specifically to combat COVID-19.

“We all have to do our part. That’s how we get through this,” Stephen Odzer contends. “Right now, I am launching a charitable organization to donate masks and other critical supplies to those in need. It’s not about me, however, it’s about us. Those who are able should step forward and provide what they can. If we all do our part, we will emerge stronger from this tragedy.”Stephen Odzer

Stephen Odzer Talks About How to Make the Biggest Impact During the Pandemic

A lone individual can offer only a limited number of skills and resources. Even the most talented individuals, whether that’s Bill Gates or Stephen Odzer, can offer only so much. However, a community can gather a lot of resources and exceptional but diverse skills. By pooling resources and leveraging various skills, groups of people can accomplish tremendous things.

“Whenever I approach philanthropy, I ask myself if I can bring something unique to the table. If so, I pursue ideas that allow me to use my skills to serve the community. Throughout my life I’ve done a lot of work in distribution, so right now I am working to get masks and vital supplies to where they need to go,” Stephen Odzer points out.

The COVID-19 pandemic may alter global society. Travel has come to a standstill, millions are putting education on hold, others have had to pause their career. Stephen Odzer has set aside some of his entrepreneurial ambitions, but not his efforts to serve the community.

Many experts now believe that shutdowns and other measures will be necessary until a vaccine is developed and distributed. This likely won’t happen until early 2021 according to some medical professionals. Yet together communities can make conditions more bearable now and in the future.

Stephen Odzer adds, “I’ve seen a lot of talented individuals in tech, in medicine, in mental health, in many other areas step forward to offer their own skills amid this pandemic. It has been both aspiring and humbling. Together, we can beat COVID-19, the members of my own communities have convinced me of that.”

Stephen Odzer Discusses a New COVID-19 Pandemic Donation Fund For Those in Need of Masks

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Impacted Everyone and Stephen Odzer Has Set Up a New COVID-19 Donation Fund To Help Those in Need of Masks

Stephen OdzerThe coronavirus pandemic has had an adverse impact on everyone. This public health crisis has touched all corners of the world, infecting millions of people and leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. Even though there are some cities that are starting to reopen once again, the reality is that the virus is going to be with us for the foreseeable future. Because of this, it is important to continue supporting one another. Stephen Odzer has set up a COVID-19 donation fund to help those in need of masks. Stephen Odzer knows that people are in need of food, medical supplies, and other support during this difficult time, which is where this donation fund comes in handy to help those in need of masks.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Importance of Following the COVID-19 Public Health Guidelines

Stephen Odzer continues to follow the guidance of public health officials and encourages everyone to do the same. According to Stephen Odzer, the following are some of the most important guidelines to remember. First, people should wear a mask whenever they are going to be within six feet of someone else. Scientific studies have shown that wearing a mask will reduce the risk of spreading the virus to other people. Finally, it is also important for everyone to wash their hands on a regular basis to reduce the spread of the virus.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Assistance of the Donation Fund

At the same time, Stephen Odzer knows that there are a lot of people who are still in need of assistance. This is where the COVID-19 donation fund is helpful. This fund is designed to raise money for those who desperately need funds for masks to keep themselves and their families safe during this time. With so many people losing their jobs, Stephen Odzer knows that many people are having trouble trying to make ends meet and be able to afford proper masks. If this fund can make even a slight improvement in the lives of others during this serious public health crisis, then it’s worth all the effort.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Future Amidst the Pandemic

Stephen Odzer is still concerned that many people may be talking about the pandemic as if it is in the past. While there are some people who are saying a vaccine is going to be ready soon, a vaccine might not be ready until 2021. Therefore, it is important for everyone to remain strong and continue to follow the guidance of public health officials. Wearing a mask can ultimately reduce the spread of the virus and protect those who are most vulnerable.

Stephen Odzer Makes Large Donation to Help NYC Hospitals During COVID-19 Pandemic

Stephen Odzer, a Jewish entrepreneur and philanthropist, makes a charitable donation for $100,000 worth of goods to benefit NYC hospitals during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

The COVID-19 Pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, putting a huge dent in the world’s economy. One place that has been hit especially hard by the virus is New York City. Thousands of people in the city have died in the city’s hospitals. To help protect the medical professionals fighting the virus on the frontlines, Stephen Odzer wanted to do his part to help doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals in the NYC hospitals.

When Stephen Odzer saw the need in the New York City hospitals, he knew he had to do something. “I am a large supporter of many Jewish and non-Jewish causes,” he says.

Knowing that masks, hand sanitizer, and other essential items were in short supply, he decided to raise funds to buy more supplies for frontline workers. To do this, Stephen Odzer called Rabbi Eitan Rubin, the head of Beit Midrash of Great Neck, a yeshiva on Long Island. Stephen Odzer is a native of Brooklyn whose son studies at Rabbi Rubin’s yeshiva. The yeshiva had become a makeshift distribution center, which supplied masks and hand sanitizer to New York City hospitals for free.

Stephen Odzer said one reason he called Rabbi Rubin was, “He’s a rabbi — the way his brain works is he wanted to know how do we help people.”

Stephen Odzer asked Rabbi Rubin if he could find investors for the philanthropy project. Stephen Odzer was the first to make a charitable donation, which consisted of $100,000 worth of goods for the NYC hospitals. Other investors and contributors helped to raise funds for an initial order of 35,000 N95 respirator masks and 4,000 hand sanitizer dispensers. Another 50,000 masks and 8,000 hand sanitizer dispensers were also promised. Hospitals that benefited from the charitable act included Mount Sinai, Maimonides, and Long Island Jewish Medical Center.

Stephen Odzer went to Yeshiva of Flatbush High School and then to the Brooklyn College Scholars Program. He has been in the distribution business for over 30 years. He got his start at the age of 18 when he founded his first company in his parents’ basement. In 2000, Stephen Odzer was named the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year in the area of distribution. Besides a successful businessman, Stephen Odzer is also a family man. He has 7 children and 9 grandchildren, with much of his family in Israel.

Stephen Odzer Speaks Out: What Does It Mean To Be A Visionary?

Many young people getting started in business have the same goal that Stephen Odzer had when he started a business out of his parents’ basement at age 18: to become a visionary. While the word visionary may mean different things to different people, Stephen Odzer believes that being a visionary means creating progressive solutions to problems, while staying true to the beliefs and values that matter to you the most.

Stephen Odzer’s distribution business has taken the industry by storm, and he’s heralded by many as one of the top distribution professionals in the field. Stephen Odzer believes in looking at long-standing problems in your industry and utilizing your imagination in order to create new solutions. According to Stephen Odzer, having a vision for a better future within your industry is key for making long-standing changes that will be recognized by others as changing the game.

Stephen Odzer also recommends respectfully challenging the way that things have always been done. While you may be hesitant to speak up if you’re a newcomer to your industry, Stephen Odzer encourages you to remember that you have what others in the industry don’t – a fresh set of eyes that can bring a new perspective to systems. Taking a look at the way that things have always been done and searching for a more efficient, cost-effective way to change long-standing systems can go a long way in helping you to recognize your vision of changing your industry.

Above all else, Stephen Odzer encourages young people to change their business to keep people first in all that you do. When you change things for your company, you want to be sure that both employees and consumers are positively affected. While it can take some time for those affected by the change to get behind differences in the way things have always been done, your goal should always be an end product that makes life easier and better for everyone involved, according to Stephen Odzer.

If you’re set on becoming a visionary in your industry, Stephen Odzer says that you’re already on the right track. Setting out to make things better and different can be hard, and many people are afraid to suggest new ideas and rock the boat. Stephen Odzer says that people who consider themselves visionaries are different. If you’re ready to switch up your industry, question the status quo, and search for new solutions, you’re on the fast track to being able to include yourself in the visionary category.

Stephen Odzer: How Philanthropy is Easing the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has people from all levels trying to do what they can, and philanthropists like Stephen Odzer are trying their best to get things back to a safe place.

Various people and organizations are trying their best to make things go more smoothly and safely during the coronavirus pandemic, particularly aiming to make sure that the pandemic ends sooner and with as few deaths as possible. Whether it is accomplished through donating items or money, philanthropists are really stepping up to contribute. This is not the easiest thing to accomplish, given the severity of the pandemic, but Stephen Odzer explains how and why philanthropists are so invested in getting this crisis taken care of sooner than later.

Stephen Odzer: Why are Philanthropists so Invested in Dealing with the Pandemic?

Stephen OdzerSome of the ways that philanthropists like Stephen Odzer are trying to help during the pandemic is by getting supplies to the people that need them. For example, a lot of hospitals have been, at least early on, needing a lot more supplies than they had available, due to how unprecedented the coronavirus pandemic was. Philanthropists will either focus on giving money to organizations in order to get the materials themselves, or they try to acquire and supply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as masks.

One of the simplest reasons that philanthropists like Stephen Odzer want to get involved is that philanthropists, being potential victims of the pandemic themselves, are able to use their money to push measures designed to improve conditions. After all, they’re still people, whose friends, family, and themselves are all at risk of getting sick. Granted, they’re more stable, but they want to take care of their loved ones. Conversely, they want to make sure that they can help people do the same when they do not have the money or the means to do so themselves. This is not to suggest that philanthropists only care because caring benefits them and their loved ones. Indeed, some may, but philanthropists like Stephen Odzer and many other philanthropists see something that they can do to help and having the tools to do so, go ahead with it.

There are also philanthropists who are helping out from other angles, Stephen Odzer explains. For instance, America is facing unprecedented levels of unemployment due to states closing businesses to reduce infection and death. This is understandable and has helped curb both, but workers need to be able to afford food, shelter, and general safety, Stephen Odzer notes. Some philanthropists are working to help offset that burden. People who are struggling with joblessness may benefit from certain charities, particularly due to the circumstances of said unemployment, Stephen Odzer explains. Such philanthropy confers a world of good for all the people left out in the cold by Covid-19.

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Unique Benefits of Hiring People with Disabilities

Businessman and philanthropist Stephen Odzer discusses the unique benefits of hiring people with disabilities.

Less than 20 years ago, qualified job applicants with disabilities were regularly screened out of traditional hiring practices. Thankfully, the passing of the ADA Amendments Act in 2009, guaranteed superior accommodation for many Americans with disabilities. Even more, superior technology, recruiting processes, and access to new training techniques mean that today, businesses can successfully hire disabled employees who may need certain support systems. Businessman and philanthropist Stephen Odzer recently discussed the unique benefits businesses enjoy when hiring people with disabilities.

“For countless years, disabled potential employees were simply skipped over in the hiring process,” Stephen Odzer said. “Not only was that unfair to the people seeking employment, businesses were missing out on valuable assets too.”

Stephen Odzer explained numerous studies have shown that businesses enjoy numerous benefits when choosing to hire qualified applicants with disabilities. Stephen Odzer stated that one obvious benefit is a larger hiring pool. Applicants who were more than qualified but immediately discarded in the past, are now not being cut out immediately. This means employers actually have a chance to review their applications, achievements, and skill sets.

Stephen Odzer added that workplace diversity is essential, and disabled employees add to this diversity. Employing people from various cultures and walks of life can provide more insight into what customers want and create more room for varying ideas. Many times, people of different backgrounds and different abilities have different ways of thinking. One person may not see a solution to a problem, but somebody else of a different background may use their varying life experience to solve the problem. Stephen Odzer explained that a person with a disability may have different outlooks and ideas than those who haven’t dealt with such challenges.

Businessmen like Stephen Odzer explain that employees with disabilities can positively impact the other employees in the workplace. Studies have shown that businesses with employees with disabilities see a positive impact on the retention of current employees. They also see an increased work ethic among those working for the company. Staff morale as a whole is shown to be higher with a more diverse workplace, especially those including disabled employees.

“Recorded studies from 1998 through 2020, have shown that numerous positive business opportunities are shown with the hiring of qualified applicants with disabilities,” Stephen Odzer said. “Employees are more dedicated and show higher morale. Higher morale results in higher productivity, and higher productivity results in higher profits.”

Stephen Odzer suggested that hiring qualified employees with disabilities isn’t just beneficial to the employee; it’s beneficial to the company as a whole.