Stephen Odzer

Stephen Odzer Discusses the Republican Jewish Coalition And Their Grassroots Efforts

Stephen Odzer recently discussed the Republican Jewish Coalition and the group’s current grassroots efforts.

The Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly growing and advancing its community efforts. The coalition was created in 1985 as a bridge between Republican politicians and the Jewish community. What started in Washington, D.C., has now become a nationwide organization with regional offices in California, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York. Stephen Odzer recently discussed the grassroots efforts the organization has been putting forth in recent years, months, and days. 

“The goal is to bring a respected and strong Jewish republican influence to Washington, D.C., and across the country,” Stephen Odzer said. “The organization has put forth dozens of grassroots events and training this election year, and the efforts are not stopping any time soon.” 

Stephen Odzer explained that the Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly performing surveys, spreading around petitions, and seeking donations for the cause of increasing republican Jewish representation in Washington. Recent events include campaigning for Republican candidates in key battleground states. Stephen Odzer added that they achieved this through dozens of virtual National Days of Action, National Victory Team volunteers’ efforts, thousands of outreach phone calls, emails, and so much more. The total national grassroots touches were roughly 899,989. 

Stephen Odzer“The people at the Republican Jewish Coalition never stop working,” Stephen Odzer said. “The Jewish vote is critical to many republican victories, and volunteers understand that. That’s why our grassroots efforts can reach so widely and be so effective.” 

Stephen Odzer explained that the Republican Jewish Coalition fights for the Jewish vote and has had incredible success this election season. The legislative affairs program guarantees that 

Jewish issues are understood on Capitol Hill. The organization advises leaders and lobbies at state capitals across the country. 

“Grassroots efforts performed by the Republican Jewish Coalition allow the organization to engage in countless political activities across the country,” Stephen Odzer said, “Through donations, events, and other efforts, the coalition can support the candidate they need financially and politically.” 

Stephen Odzer explained the Republican Jewish Coalition is constantly working on getting candidates elected who reflect Jewish Republican principles and priorities. The organization is continuously working to support national security principles, small government, low taxes, free enterprise, and more. The coalition is vigorously in support of freedom from oil dependence and pro-Israel foreign policy. 

Stephen Odzer added that the Republican Jewish Coalition and its board of directors are divided on many issues, resulting in a more diverse and understanding organization. Many members have opposing views on global warming, gay rights, gun control, and abortion, and the Republican Jewish Coalition continues to unite on other issues despite those differences. 

“We need more organizations like the Republican Jewish Coalition in this country,” Stephen Odzer said. “Organizations that fight for causes they vigorously support yet understand that opposing views on other issues are important too.”